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Storyboard as a GF Application Builder

Written by Thomas Fletcher | Jun 17, 2009 6:42:51 PM

One of the nicest things that the Storyboard product is providing is a mechanism by which you can quickly turn visual prototypes (ie something designed in Photoshop) into working application code (ie something running on an embedded target).

With the Eclipse DemoCamp coming up this week, Jason has been working on demonstrating a nice streamlined walk-through of Storyboard (under 5 minutes) where we take a Photoshop PSD file and transform that into a running application.  If you are interested in an early, unannotated, version of the walk through, you can catch it as  a YouTube video.  

What is super cool about this is that if you wanted to build an application for a plaftorm like QNX's GF framework, where there is no GUI application builder, you all of a sudden have  an interactive application design tool that is available to you that allows rapid integration with your embedded target.

See you at DemoCamp on Thursday!
